
Inhale slowly. Hold. Exhale.

As the saying goes, the only easy day was yesterday.

There is a lot happening in the Care Sector – a Royal Commission into aged care; a new single standard for aged and community care; uncertainty in disability; IT changing all the time. Somedays it could prove overwhelming but not today.


Because you are not alone. We are here to support you. So breathe.

My home has failed accreditation - now what?
There is a disconnect between the management levels and point of care staff and things are falling through the cracks - help
We’re losing money - help!
I’ve received a letter from the Royal Commission - now what?
The media are camped outside our home - help!
Our files and records are a mess - help!
Our residents hate our food and we are spending a fortune on it - help!
We need to undertake a major change process and don’t have capacity in our home - help!
Our RNs need leadership training
My Carers aren’t even getting the basics right - I need a training program that works
We have multiple technology platforms and none of them talk to each other - help us streamline our technology, save money and get smarter.
All our processes are manual or paper based and we need help modernising at a price point we can afford

How does ACDN work?

Tell us what you need

Answer a few questions about your situation so that we know which experts to connect you with

We connect you with the right expert or experts

Talk directly to the experts to understand your options.

You engage the right experts for your situation

Get them on your team to get your situation back on track.

Who is ACDN?

Amanda Edwards

RN - Solution Engineer

Amanda is a registered nurse with a Masters in Health Administration from Monash University. She has led a number of Aged Care and Health Care services at Executive level for many years.  Her most recent role was Interim CEO at Djerriwarrh Health Services.

Amanda was also an active member of the Public Sector Residential Aged Care Leadership Committee, an advisory Committee to the Department of Health and Minister during her time as a Health Executive.

Amanda’s role is to listen to you so that she understands your situation. She then finds the right expert or experts for your particular circumstances and introduces them to you. Managing the

Want to talk to someone today about your situation?